Feature Ideas

  1. Need RSVP in Qual Meeting Invites

    The Decode LiVE meeting invites should have RSVP in the invite. Currently we are not sure whether the invited people are joining or not.

    Santhosh M
    #New Feature ✨#Improvement 👍#Decode CX ⭐


  2. Recurring Meeting

    Teams who are interacting on a regular basis would benefit from this feature.

    #New Feature ✨


  3. Randomisation for media

    When uploading multiple media block , these media/ads must be randomised to avoid biasness .

    #New Feature ✨


  4. Remove Revert Option and make it undo and redo - Decode

    We have been noticing from quiet some time that Revert button being clicked by mistake leads to loss of lot of efforts as it also deletes the AI created tags and highlights. So suggest you to make the functionality of Revert to just undo the last change made Or Add undo and redo instead of Revert as that will be more helpful.

    Riya J


  5. Testers should have sorting feature according to timeline and Backend file requires timestamp

    The tester UI should have options to sort testers by timestamp and tester ID. The backend CSV file should include timestamps to enable filtering and analysis. Attached are the reference snapshots for your review.

    #New Feature ✨


  6. Search in transcript

    To support a search option within the transcript, making it easier to find specific keywords in lengthy FGDs. Currently, the universal search highlights the transcript containing the keyword, but clicking it opens the transcript without navigating directly to the keyword.

    Nivedha S
    #New Feature ✨#Improvement 👍


  7. Upload date for Media Uploads

    Need to be able to display 'Uploaded Date' for media and the same field to be added to search filter.

    #New Feature ✨


  8. Vimeo and Youtube Video Integration for Copilot

    Mindful Insights currently uses Vimeo as their primary platform for uploading Group Discussions and other large video files. The process of downloading and uploading these heavy videos is time-consuming. Integrating Vimeo and YouTube for seamless file transitions to Co-Pilot would significantly streamline this process and save a lot of time.

    #Integrations 🔗


  9. Decode: Discussion Guide Templates

    Provide an option to create DG templates which can be selection for Qual studies.

    #New Feature ✨


  10. Video Editor

    Gives clients the ability to stitch together highlights and create a short summary video to be presented in the report for end clients. One highlight video is the preferred way of reporting from video content and a lot of companies pay an extra software license just for this functionality. Have it all in one place will be additional value for out platform

    Stefka M
    #New Feature ✨


  11. Notes in Meetings

    Allow users to add notes while in meetings and see those notes on the recordings page..

    Karthik Selvarajan
    #New Feature ✨


  12. Request for making the Insights report on Decode mobile friendly

    My client PMI has been using the insights report on Decode extensively. They usually the share the insights report link with their entire team and stakeholder. The link does not open correctly on mobile device. The UX looks very difficult to view the text that is added in the report. It would be great if the insights report could show the same report like it shows on laptop/desktop.

    #New Feature ✨


  13. Upload and view multiple image with a short description

    to have a box to accomodate images along with the options



  14. In-context: Voice recording

    Users can leave feedback using voice as well...might be the behaviour in future...we could enable this

    #Misc 🤷


  15. In-context: Stimulus Before & After

    In the first couple of reports we had looked at when are the skips for client stimulus high ----what kind of stimulus is before and after client stimulus

    #Misc 🤷
